Anti-Money Laundering Law

Validity of Section 45 of the PMLA: Effect of Pendency of SLP in the Supreme Court of India

Validity of Section 45 of the PMLA: Effect of Pendency of SLP in the Supreme Court of India

In this case of Madanlal Manekchand Jain Vs.  State of Gujarat and Ors. [Criminal Misc. Application (For Regular Bail) No. 22552 of 2015], the validity of Section 45 of the PML Act, 2002 was questioned before the High Court of Gujarat. The applicant contended that as a special leave petition is pending before the Supreme […]

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Navigating Plea Bargaining under PMLA: A Complex Terrain

Navigating Plea Bargaining under PMLA: A Complex Terrain

Plea bargaining arises as a technique that both intrigues and undermines the fundamentals of justice in the maze-like tunnels of criminal law. Under the broad protection of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), the plea bargaining process reveals a complex story that is intricately entwined with both legal complexities and the socioeconomic fabric of

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Unveiling the Complex Web of Predicate Offences under PMLA A Comprehensive Exploration

Unveiling the Complex Web of Predicate Offences under PMLA: A Comprehensive Exploration

Within the intricate labyrinth of legal frameworks, the concept of predicate offences, often interchangeably referred to as schedule offences, under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) assumes a position of utmost significance. This legal tapestry is designed with the intention of encompassing various forms of wealth earned through illicit means, thereby ensuring that illegal

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Navigating the Terrain of Property Attachment under PMLA: A Comprehensive Insight

Navigating the Terrain of Property Attachment under PMLA: A Comprehensive Insight

In the realm of money laundering prevention, the concept of property attachment assumes a paramount role. Central to this process is the understanding of “proceeds of crime,” a term that carries significant weight within the framework of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). This article delves into the intricate layers of property attachment, elucidating

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Exploring the Dynamics of Proceeds of Crime under the PMLA

In the intricate labyrinth of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), one term stands as a linchpin for understanding the flow of illicit gains – “proceeds of crime.” This term, meticulously defined within the act itself, holds the key to unravelling the complex web of financial malfeasance and criminal activity. This article delves into

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The Intricacies of Money Laundering as a Standalone Offense: Decoding Section 3

The Intricacies of Money Laundering as a Standalone Offense: Decoding Section 3

The intricate world of financial crimes often delves into the covert operations of money laundering, an art of disguising the origins of unlawfully acquired wealth. Central to this nefarious web is Section 3 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, an integral provision that dissects the anatomy of money laundering as a standalone offense. This

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The Complex Dynamics of the Offence of Money Laundering

The Complex Dynamics of the Offence of Money Laundering

Money laundering, a term that reverberates within the corridors of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, encompasses a multifaceted web of activities that extend far beyond the simple act of disguising the origins of ill-gotten gains. This criminal offense is a tripartite puzzle, entailing a series of intricate components that must coalesce for the offense

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