IT & Privacy Law

Website & IP Address blocking under the (Indian) IT Rules – Law in India

Website & IP Address blocking under the Indian IT Rules/Law

Our constitution guarantees us some inalienable rights known as fundamental rights. Within legal and social structures, fundamental rights are of utmost importance. They create a framework of laws that limit the authority of the state, therefore averting arbitrary acts and protecting against any abuses of power. Furthermore, by outlawing discrimination and guaranteeing equitable access to […]

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Need for having Security, Email & Internet Usage Policy in Companies - Legal requirements and implications

Need for having Security, Email & Internet Usage Policy in Companies – Legal requirements and implications

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the importance of robust IT security measures cannot be overstated. Every organization, regardless of size or industry, must prioritize the establishment of comprehensive Security, Email, and Internet Usage Policies to safeguard sensitive information and mitigate legal risks. Despite this imperative, many companies still lack adequate policies, exposing themselves to

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Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries & Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021

The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules of 2021 (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Rules’) has been enacted by the Central Government under the powers conferred to it by Sections 69A(2), 79(2)(c) and 87 of the Information Technology Act, with thorough coordination with the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology

Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries & Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 Read More »

Can a WhatsApp Group administrator be held liable for content posted by a group member?

Can a WhatsApp Group admin be held liable for content posted by a group member?

On February 25, 2021 the Press Information Bureau released some telling statistics to go along with the recently announced Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (“IT Rules 2021”) by the Ministry of Information. According to it, Indians are using these platforms in a very significant way and in numbers which

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Guidelines for Removal of Offensive content : Streamlining the IT Rules, 2021 with Existing Laws for Effective Removal

Guidelines for Removal of Offensive Content : Streamlining the IT Rules, 2021 with Existing Laws for Effective Removal

India is the world’s largest open Internet society. The Digital India has enabled the empowerment of the common man. The extensive spread of mobile phones, Internet etc. has also enabled many platforms to expand their footprints in India. These platforms are associated with a bevy of benefits and risks; and they give rise to new

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