Types of cybersecurity incidents mandatorily to be reported by service providers, intermediaries, data centers, body corporate and Government organizations to CERT-In in India
[Rule 12(1)(a) of The Information Technology (The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team and Manner of Performing Functions and Duties) Rules, 2013 (https://www.meity.gov.in/writereaddata/files/G_S_R%2020%20%28E%292_0.pdf) ]
1. Targeted scanning/probing of critical networks/systems
2. Compromise of critical systems/information
3. Unauthorised access of IT systems/data
4. Defacement of website or intrusion into a website and unauthorised changes such as inserting malicious code, links to external websites etc.
- Malicious code attacks such as spreading of virus/worm/Trojan/Bots/ Spyware/Ransomware/Cryptominers
- Attack on servers such as Database, Mail and DNS and network devices such as Routers
- Identity Theft, spoofing and phishing attacks
- Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
5. Attacks on Critical infrastructure, SCADA and operational technology systems and Wireless networks
- Attacks on Application such as E-Governance, E-Commerce etc.
- Data Breach
- Data Leak
- Attacks on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and associated systems, networks, software, servers
- Attacks or incident affecting Digital Payment systems
- Attacks through Malicious mobile Apps
- Fake mobile Apps
- Unauthorised access to social media accounts
- Attacks or malicious/ suspicious activities affecting Cloud computing systems/servers/software/applications
- Attacks or malicious/suspicious activities affecting systems/ servers/ networks/ software/ applications related to Big Data, Block chain, virtual assets, virtual asset exchanges, custodian wallets, Robotics, 3D and 4D Printing, additive manufacturing, Drones
- Attacks or malicious/ suspicious activities affecting systems/ servers/software/ applications related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The Cybersecurity incidents can be reported to CERT-In via
Email – incident@cert-in.org.in
Phone – (1800-11-4949)
Fax – (1800-11-6969).

Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate
Supreme Court of India & Delhi High Court
Email id: vpdalmia@gmail.com
Mobile No.: +91 9810081079