Decoding the Relevance of Explanation under the PMLA (FREE GUIDE)

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The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) is a significant piece of legislation aimed at combating money laundering and related crimes in India. 

Understanding the explanations within the Act is crucial for grasping the intricacies of the law and its application.

In this article, we will analyze the relevance of explanations under the PMLA and discuss how these explanations clarify ambiguities and contribute to a better understanding of the law.

Key topics we will cover include:

  • Money laundering offence
  • PMLA Act and its evolution
  • Importance of explanations in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002

By delving into these areas, we aim to provide an engaging and comprehensive overview of the PMLA and its explanations, helping legal professionals, law enforcement agencies, and interested individuals to better address the challenges posed by money laundering and related crimes in India.

The Role of Explanations in Statutory Provisions

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In the legal context, an “explanation” is a supplementary provision added to a statute to clarify or qualify certain ambiguities that may have crept into the main provision. 

Explanations play a crucial role in statutory interpretation, as they help elucidate the intention of the legislature and provide guidance on how the main provision should be applied.

The Supreme Court of India, in the case of S. Sundaram Pillai, Etc vs V.R. Pattabiraman, held that an explanation is not a substantive provision and cannot change the enactment or any part thereof.

It is merely meant to clarify or qualify ambiguities in the statute. Therefore, the wording of the main provision prevails over the explanation in case of any ambiguity.

It is important to consider the role of explanations within the context of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Explanations help in understanding the complexities of the money laundering offence and the various provisions of the PMLA. 

Some of the key aspects that explanations address in the PMLA include:

  • The definition of “proceeds of crime” and its scope
  • The concept of “continuing offence” in relation to money laundering
  • The stages of money laundering and their significance in establishing the offence

By incorporating explanations within the statute, the PMLA aims to provide a comprehensive framework to combat money laundering in India.

This approach ensures that the law remains effective and efficient in addressing the challenges posed by this complex criminal activity.

In conclusion, explanations in statutory provisions, such as those found in the PMLA, play a vital role in offering clarity and guidance for legal professionals, law enforcement agencies, and the judiciary.

By understanding these explanations, one can better interpret and apply the provisions of the PMLA to effectively combat money laundering in India.


Explanation (i) under Section 3 of the PMLA

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Section 3 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) deals with the offence of money laundering. Explanation (i) provides a much-needed clarification on the scope and nature of this offence.

Specifically, Explanation (i) under Section 3 of the PMLA elaborates that a person can be found guilty of money laundering if they are:

  • Directly or indirectly involved in any process or activity connected with the proceeds of crime.
  • Engaged in concealment, possession, acquisition, or use of the proceeds of crime.
  • Involved in projecting the proceeds as untainted property or claiming it as such.

This explanation helps clarify the scope of the money laundering offence and the various processes or activities that can be considered as part of the crime. 

The clarification provided by Explanation (i) ensures that the provision is applied consistently across different cases, and it serves as a valuable guide for the interpretation of the main provision.

Understanding the nuances of Explanation (i) is crucial for legal professionals, law enforcement agencies, and financial institutions. By considering the various aspects of money laundering as described in the explanation, they can better identify and combat such activities.

The key takeaways from Explanation (i) under Section 3 of the PMLA are:

  • It sheds light on the various activities that can be considered as part of the money laundering offence.
  • It emphasizes the importance of both direct and indirect involvement in the crime.
  • It highlights the different ways in which the proceeds of crime can be dealt with, such as concealment, possession, acquisition, use, or projecting as untainted property.

In conclusion, Explanation (i) under Section 3 of the PMLA is an essential component of the legislation as it clarifies the scope of the money laundering offence, ensuring that the provision is applied consistently and effectively in the fight against money laundering and related financial crimes.

Explanation (ii) and the Concept of Continuing Offence

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Explanation (ii) introduced a new concept to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA): the continuing offence. 

This concept suggests that the process or activity connected with proceeds of crime is a continuing activity and persists until the person involved is directly or indirectly enjoying the proceeds of crime by:

  • Concealing
  • Possessing
  • Acquiring
  • Using
  • Projecting it as untainted property

This amendment has significant implications on how money laundering offences are perceived and dealt with under the PMLA.

Prior to this amendment, various High Courts held that money laundering was not a continuing offence.

For instance, the Bombay High Court in Hasan Ali Khan S/o. Ghousudin Ali Khan vs. Union of India (UOI) case held that once the proceeds of crime have been projected as “untainted property,” the offence of money laundering is considered complete.

However, the introduction of Explanation (ii) changed this perspective, making money laundering a continuing offence in India.

This shift is critical for several reasons:

  • It expands the scope of the money laundering offence, making it more challenging for criminals to evade detection and prosecution.
  • It ensures that law enforcement agencies have more time and resources to identify and prosecute money laundering cases.
  • It emphasizes the severity of money laundering as a crime and underscores the need for vigilance and proactive measures to combat it.

The concept of continuing offence under the PMLA now plays a crucial role in the investigation and prosecution of money laundering cases.

It allows authorities to take a more comprehensive approach to tackling this complex and ever-evolving crime. By recognizing money laundering as a continuing offence, the PMLA effectively empowers law enforcement agencies to address the issue head-on and bring the perpetrators to justice.

In conclusion, the addition of Explanation (ii) to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) has had a profound impact on the way money laundering offences are understood and dealt with in India.

By classifying money laundering as a continuing offence, the PMLA strengthens the legal framework against this crime and enables law enforcement agencies to better combat this persistent issue.

Other Explanations Added to the PMLA

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Several other explanations were added to the PMLA to clarify various terms and concepts. For example, an explanation was added to the term “payment system operator” to define “overseas principal,” clarifying whether it is a person, an undivided Hindu family, or a legal entity.

Another example is the insertion of an explanation to the definition of “proceeds of crime” under Section 2(u) of the PMLA, which states that proceeds of crime include not only property derived from the scheduled offence but also property derived indirectly as a result of any criminal activity related to the scheduled offence. This explanation helps eliminate any doubt about the scope of the term “proceeds of crime.”

Three Stages of Money Laundering as Quintessential Ingredients

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The High Court of Andhra Pradesh, in the case of B. Rama Raju v. Union of India, identified three quintessential stages of money laundering.

These stages are crucial for understanding the process of money laundering and its connection with the offence defined in the PMLA:

(i) The Placement Stage: This stage involves the malfeasant, who holds the money generated from criminal activities, placing the crime money into the normal financial system.

(ii) The Layering Stage: In this stage, the money introduced into the financial system is spread out through several transactions within the system, with the aim of concealing the origin and identity of the money, making it virtually disappear.

(iii) The Integration Stage: Finally, the money is integrated into the financial system in such a way that its original association with crime is completely obliterated, allowing the malfeasant and/or their accomplices to use it as untainted or clean money.

These three stages play a crucial role in understanding the offence of money laundering and its various manifestations under the PMLA.


Understanding the explanations within the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) is essential for a comprehensive grasp of the law and its application in combating money laundering in India.

The explanations provided in the Act clarify ambiguities, offer guidance on statutory interpretation, and contribute to a more profound understanding of the legislation.

By analyzing these explanations and their implications, legal professionals and law enforcement agencies can better address the challenges posed by money laundering and related crimes in India.

With the PMLA in place, India is better equipped to tackle the money laundering offences and protect the integrity of its financial system, fostering a more secure and stable economic environment.


Q: What is the purpose of the explanations in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)?

A: The explanations within the PMLA serve to clarify ambiguities, offer guidance on statutory interpretation, and contribute to a more profound understanding of the legislation, thus aiding legal professionals and law enforcement agencies in combating money laundering in India.


Q: How does the PMLA define the offence of money laundering?

A: The PMLA defines money laundering as the concealment, possession, acquisition, use, projecting, or claiming of proceeds of crime as untainted property, either directly or indirectly, and considers it a standalone offence.


Q: What are the three quintessential stages of money laundering as identified by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh?

A: The three stages of money laundering are: (i) the Placement Stage, where crime money is placed into the financial system; (ii) the Layering Stage, which involves spreading the money through several transactions to conceal its origin and identity; and (iii) the Integration Stage, where the money is integrated into the financial system to be used as untainted or clean money.


Q: How do the explanations in the PMLA affect the understanding and interpretation of the Act?

A: The explanations within the PMLA provide clarity and guidance on the interpretation of the Act, making it easier for legal professionals and law enforcement agencies to apply the law in real-world situations and effectively combat money laundering and related crimes.


Q: Is the offence of money laundering considered a continuing offence under the PMLA?

A: Yes, according to explanation (ii) added to Section 3 of the PMLA, the offence of money laundering is considered a continuing offence until the person involved is directly or indirectly enjoying the proceeds of crime through concealment, possession, acquisition, use, projecting it as untainted property, or claiming it as untainted property.

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If you found this article helpful, you may be interested in Advocate Vijay Pal Dalmia, along with Advocate Siddharth Dalmia‘s book, “A Guide to the Law of Money Laundering”. This comprehensive guide provides even more in-depth information on how to recognize and prevent money laundering. It’s packed with practical tips and advice for staying one step ahead of financial criminals. Get your copy today at here.

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Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate
Supreme Court of India & Delhi High Court
Email id:
Mobile No.: +91 9810081079

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This will shed light on the intricacies of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 and its implications for combating money laundering offences in India.

Be sure to check back regularly for new insights and updates on this complex and ever-evolving area of law.

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